Creating a Cross-platform GUI based application using native Python using PyQt5 (Directly working with Qt Designer .ui file)

satyaki de
2 min readMar 13, 2020

Hi Guys!

Today, We’ll be discussing one more graphical package in Python, which is also known as PyQt. To faster design the GUI, we’ll be exploring another tool called Qt Designer, which is available for multiple OS platforms.

Please find the QT Designer here.

This is similar to any other GUI based IDE like Microsoft Visual Studio, where you can quickly generate your GUI template.

The majority of the internet post talks about using PyQt5 or PyQt4 packages. But, when speaking about using the .ui file inside your Python code — they either demonstrate fundamental options without any event or, they convert & generate the .ui file into .py file & then they use it. This certainly not making it very useful for many of the developers who are trying to use it for the first time. Hence, My main goal is to use the .ui file inside my Python script as it is & use all the components out of it & assign various working events.

Please find the detailed discussion here.

Please let me know your feedback on the same.

For more information on this package — please check the following link.

So, as you can see, finally we’ve achieved it. We’ve demonstrated cross-platform GUI applications using native Python. And, here we didn’t even convert the ui design file to python script either.

Please share your feedback.

I’ll be posting another new post in the coming days. Till then, Happy Avenging! 😀



satyaki de

I love new technology apart from coding. I’m extremely fond of watching good movies. Whenever, I have some time, I grab my camera go-out!