Creating a dynamic response of an API/Microservice

satyaki de
5 min readFeb 8, 2021

Hello Guys!

Today, I’m going to discuss a potential use case, where different teams need almost similar kinds of data through API. However, they are not identical. Creating a fresh API/Microservice after following-up with many processes will take significant time.

What if we can create an API in such a way so that we can get the response dynamically without needing to make another one. In this post, we’ll be demonstrating a similar approach.

I’ll be using open-source Covid-API, which will be useful for several posts starting from this one.

You will get plenty of useful data from here.

We’ve chosen the following one for our use case -

Source API

Let’s explore the sample data first.

"lastUpdateEt":"2\/5\/2021 03:59",
"checkTimeEt":"02\/04 22:59",

Let’s take two cases. One, where one service might need to access all the elements, there might be another, where some other service requires specific details.

Let’s explore the code base first -

#### Written By: SATYAKI DE ####
#### Written On: 06-Feb-2021 ####
#### Package Flask package needs to ####
#### install in order to run this ####
#### script. ####
#### ####
#### Objective: Main Calling scripts. ####
#### ####
#### However, to meet the functionality####
#### we've enhanced as per our logic. ####

import logging
import json
import requests
import os
import pandas as p
import numpy as np

import azure.functions as func

def main(req: func.HttpRequest) -> func.HttpResponse:'Dynamic-Covid-Status HTTP trigger function processed a request.')


# Application Variable
url = os.environ['URL']
appType = os.environ['appType']
conType = os.environ['conType']

# API-Configuration
headers = {
"Connection": conType,
"Content-Type": appType

# Validating input parameters
typeSel = req.params.get('typeSel')
if not typeSel:
req_body = req.get_json()
except ValueError:
typeSel = req_body.get('typeSel')

typeVal = req.params.get('typeVal')
if not typeVal:
req_body = req.get_json()
except ValueError:
typeVal = req_body.get('typeVal')

# Printing Key-Element Values
str1 = 'typeSel: ' + str(typeSel)

str2 = 'typeVal: ' + str(typeVal)

# End of API-Inputs

# Getting Covid data from the REST-API
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
ResJson = response.text

if typeSel == '*':
if typeVal != '':
# Converting it to Json
jdata = json.loads(ResJson)

df_ret =
df_ret.columns = x: x.split(".")[-1])

rJson = df_ret.to_json(orient ='records')

return func.HttpResponse(rJson, status_code=200)
x_stat = 'Failed'
x_msg = 'Important information is missing for all values!'

rJson = {
"status": x_stat,
"details": x_msg

xval = json.dumps(rJson)
return func.HttpResponse(xval, status_code=200)
elif typeSel == 'Cols':
if typeVal != '':
# Converting it to Json
jdata = json.loads(ResJson)

df_ret =
df_ret.columns = x: x.split(".")[-1])

# Fetching for the selected columns
# Extracting the columns from the list
lstHead = []

listX = typeVal.split (",")

for i in listX:

str3 = 'Main List: ' + str(lstHead)

slice_df = df_ret[np.intersect1d(df_ret.columns, lstHead)]
rJson = slice_df.to_json(orient ='records')

return func.HttpResponse(rJson, status_code=200)
x_stat = 'Failed'
x_msg = 'Important information is missing for selected values!'

rJson = {
"status": x_stat,
"details": x_msg

xval = json.dumps(rJson)
return func.HttpResponse(xval, status_code=200)
x_stat = 'Failed'
x_msg = 'Important information is missing for typeSel!'

rJson = {
"status": x_stat,
"details": x_msg

xval = json.dumps(rJson)
return func.HttpResponse(xval, status_code=200)
except Exception as e:
x_msg = str(e)
x_stat = 'Failed'

rJson = {
"status": x_stat,
"details": x_msg

xval = json.dumps(rJson)
return func.HttpResponse(xval, status_code=200)

Let’s explain the key snippet -

jdata = json.loads(ResJson)

df_ret =
df_ret.columns = x: x.split(".")[-1])

rJson = df_ret.to_json(orient ='records')

return func.HttpResponse(rJson, status_code=200)

In the above lines, we’re converting the response & organizing it to a pandas dataframe before converting the response to JSON.

# Fetching for the selected columns
# Extracting the columns from the list
lstHead = []

listX = typeVal.split (",")

for i in listX:

str3 = 'Main List: ' + str(lstHead)

#slice_df = df_ret[df_ret.columns.intersection(lstHead)]
slice_df = df_ret[np.intersect1d(df_ret.columns, lstHead)]

For the second case, the above additional logic will play a significant part. Based on the supplied input in the typeVal attribute, this time, the new response will display accordingly.

And, Inside the azure portal, it looks like -

Azure function in the portal

Let’s see how it looks from Visual Studio Code in debug mode -

Azure Function in debug mode

Let’s test it using Postman.

Case 1 (For all the columns):

For all elements

And, the formatted output is as follows -

Formatted Output

Case 2 (For selected columns):

For selected elements

And, the formatted output is as follows -

Formatted selected output

So, finally, we have done it.

I’ll bring some more exciting topics in the coming days from the Python verse.

Till then, Happy Avenging! 😀

Note: All the data & scenarios posted here are representational data & scenarios & available over the internet.

Originally published at on February 8, 2021.



satyaki de

I love new technology apart from coding. I’m extremely fond of watching good movies. Whenever, I have some time, I grab my camera go-out!